
Check out the following magazines that feature my short fiction.

BUST Magazine

BUST is a women's lifestyle magazine that is published four times a year. The magazine covers music, news, crafts, art, sex, and fashion from an independent, third wave feminist perspective.

"My Mystical Pregnancy" is an essay I wrote for BUST reflecting on my personal experience with a high-risk pregnancy and the trope of the mystical pregnancy in science fiction. It was cathartic to reflect on the things I had gone through, and it somehow felt safer to do so when I lined myself up with “Deanna Troi, Season 2” instead of “Rachel Green, Season 8”.

Unfading Daydream Magazine

Established in 2017, Unfading Daydream is a literary magazine featuring speculative fiction. The theme of Issue VI was “Mecha.” 
My story, “He Woke Up on the Moon” is a love letter to all the giant robots I have ever seen on screen. 

Mad Scientist Journal

Though initially established in 1818, time travel has allowed Mad Scientist Journal to become the preeminent scientific journal for atypical scientific theories and journeys throughout all of space and time.

I was very lucky to have "The Day I Saved the Science Fair," an essay by the amazing (though fictional) Dr. Daniela Villanueva, included in the Autumn 2018 volume.

COLP Magazine

From Gypsum Sound Tales, this issue of COLP magazine is themed around wrestling. Suplex contains twelve wrestling stories, from twelve writers
Although the grudge match featured in my story, “A Challenger Approaches,” takes place solely in the protagonist’s mind, the fight is very real.

Metaphorosis Magazine

Metaphorosis is a speculative fiction magazine featuring author interviews and short fiction.

My story, "Five Star Review" started with a throwaway comment my mom made, and ended as a “darkest timeline”-lite reimagining of my life. I really loved working with the editors at Metaphorosis because they had such insightful feedback on how I wrote both the main and peripheral characters in this story.

Mad Scientist Journal

Though initially established in 1818, time travel has allowed Mad Scientist Journal to become the preeminent scientific journal for atypical scientific theories and journeys throughout all of space and time.
It was so bittersweet to see this issue come out. On the one hand, I loved writing, “Villainous Vowels: A Beginner’s Guide to Monologuing,” and I hope everyone that buys the issue enjoys reading it. On the other, MSJ was one of the first publications to ever print my work and it was hard to say goodbye to them.

Syntax & Salt Magazine

Syntax & Salt is a magazine of magical realism stories from around the world.

If you think teaching a robot about music while you wait for the world to end sounds like a good idea, boy have I got a story for you! "Objective: Understanding" was inspired by my experience as a software developer, and the way debug and code commit logs can tell their own story.

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